

High quality, excellent brand, export market, satisfying customers.

Pulverized coal furnace deslagging equipment

Fluidized bed boiler slag removal equipment

Boiler ash removal equipment


Qingdao branch billion power technology co., LTD. Is a collection of environmental protection equipment research and development, manufacturing, and service in one enterprise, the specialty is engaged in the thermal power plant auxiliary equipment, environmental protection equipment research and development, manufacture, pulverized coal in circulating fluidized bed boiler and furnace ash, slag, dust removal and desulfurization and denitration, and other fields with rich experience in designing and manufacturing and many successful performance.

旅游| 贺兰县| 天等县| 九江市| 兰西县| 青海省| 阿巴嘎旗| 桃源县| 怀集县| 慈溪市| 甘孜县| 林口县| 都江堰市| 湾仔区| 和硕县| 读书| 新民市| 固阳县| 循化| 保山市| 华亭县| 洛隆县| 临武县| 山东| 宣化县| 京山县| 平塘县| 兴安盟| 南阳市| 宁蒗| 通州区| 浮山县| 许昌县| 阆中市| 从江县| 胶南市| 达尔| 延川县| 夹江县| 平陆县| 枝江市|